Legal notice
Person responsible for content
mpS - Mathias Paul Schulungen
Mathias Paul
Simrockstraße 21
53113 Bonn
The content of this website has been meticulously checked
and compiled to the best of our knowledge. However, Mathias Paul
Schulungen assumes no liability for the timeliness, correctness,
completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims
against Mathias Paul Schulungen in respect of material or immaterial
damage caused by the use of the information provided or by the use of
inaccurate or incomplete information are generally excluded unless
evidence of intent or gross negligence is produced.
Copyright notice
The copy right for charts, photos and texts created by Mathias Paul
Schulungen is held exclusively by Mathias Paul Schulungen. Duplication
or use of such charts, photos and texts in other electronic or printed
publications are not permitted without the explicit consent of Mathias
Paul Schulungen