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Consulting fields
Strategy development
Sales development
Value-based selling
Variable remuneration systems / commission models
Project support
Personnel management and development
Competence mangement
Team development
E-learning / blended learning
Debt collection mangement
Process management
Conducting talks with banks
International profiling
Seminars / training events
Variable remuneration systems / commission models

The trend of performance linked pay has now spread to the SME sector. More and more business owners have recognised that if performance delivers value and individual efforts are fairly remunerated, all employees are more motivated – not just the sales employees!

  • We provide advice on concept development and implementation

  • We define suitable parameters with you which are geared to the achievement of defined targets and which reflect these targets

We provide advice and support to you in the process of agreeing goals, bonuses and specific action plans with your employees.

We will be happy to arrange a meeting for an initial consultation with you.

Try us out. Make the most of your opportunities and contact us.

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