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Confidential bank talks in the crisis

In the midst of the recession, freelancers or SMEs generally have to rely on bank loans to finance their businesses. In other words, your bank is an indispensable partner and partnerships necessitate outstanding competence on both sides, mutual trust, reliability and calculability.

The decision regarding whether and under what terms a bank will offer a loan generally depends on how convincing the business owner is in a personal meeting. In 60 percent of cases, the impression that the business owner makes on the bank has an impact on the bank's loan decision. Meticulous preparation is absolutely essential, as is the compilation of all the necessary documents in advance of the meeting. This demonstrates professionalism and improves your starting point in negotiations.

We can help you to compile the relevant documents and professionally prepare you for your meeting at the bank.

We simulate all situations which can occur and practice with you so that come across as confident and achieve your loan objective. If necessary, we can accompany you to the bank and assist you with the follow-up.

We will be happy to arrange a meeting for an initial consultation with you.

Try us out. Make the most of your opportunities and contact us.

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